Retro-style games for the next generation

We have been actively developing the world famous Pocket Tanks since 2001, plus we created Super DX-Ball, Neon Wars, and Puzzle Catcher along the way. DX-Ball for Windows 95 and Scorched Tanks for Amiga Computers are also part of our history. We are experts in creating popular artillery and brick-breaking games, and there is a lot more to come!
Looking for our “Classic” website with that 90’s vibe and our original PC/Mac releases? Visit:
Look cool & help support our game making efforts!
RT @ashley_pavlovic: @mikew_blitwise Excellent stuff! Really nice to see a new free weapons pack added!
Thanks! It’s been the adventure of a lifetime.
Please tell your friends about the new Pocket Tanks weapons. The Puzzle Pack was a long journey for both us and th…
Regular posts about developing Pocket Tanks, life as a shareware… <cough> I mean indie game developer, news from our local game coding club, and my C64/Amiga retro computing adventures!
Newest POSTS:
Come chat with the game author, talk shop with other Pocket Tanks fans, and discuss all the BlitWise games… past, present, and future! Here is your chance to recommend new weapon designs and board packs, plus let us know what features you’d like to see next. Join us today!
From around the scene:
Latest forum topics:
Newer Games: If the game crashes, start the game again and visit the Options and About screens. From there you can click the Tech Support button to send us an email explaining the problem. Your email will have special crash logs attached to it that can help us fix the issue, so this is the best way to notify us of bugs. Please make sure to include a description of how it crashes, plus any additional info about your device and it’s current operating system.
Older PC/Mac Games: If you are having technical issues with our older games, or need customer support for games your purchased for PC/Mac, then contact us with the link below.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us at
Inspired by games for the Commodore 64 and Amiga computers, BlitWise Productions LLC was founded in 2001 to release “shareware-style” games on modern computers. Our goal is to write indie games that evoke both a sense of the demoscene with it’s dark backgrounds and vibrant colors, as well as the humble notion that the kid down the street could have written this in their back bedroom after school.
Meet the Author:
Creator of Scorched Tanks, DX-Ball, Pocket Tanks
Michael P. Welch
Starting out as a shareware game developer on the Amiga computer, Michael has been writing games since the 90's. From hundreds of mailed-in donations for Scorched Tanks, to 60+ emails a day from DX-Ball fans, to millions of Pocket Tanks downloads, his games have been played all over the world - much to his surprise! He believes in making a video game like an author writes a novel; handcrafted from scratch by one person. If you are looking for games that have a unique charm that only a 'single-person, single-vision game' can provide, then you've come to the right place.